Working with others can be challenging. Teams don't always have a clearly defined goal in mind. Individuals often have their own personal opinions and preconceptions that prevent them from listening carefully to one another. Frustrations and disappointments are not always voiced. Patterns of dominance, accommodation and negativity can become quite disruptive.
Team training almost always involves a workshop consisting of indoor or outdoor activities. Assignments are designed to mirror the way the team interacts and cooperates. Discussing these points afterwards can be extremely informative.
As your team trainer, I'll use a variety of movement techniques and games to challenge you and your team. I'll help you and your team members analyse your collective and individual patterns of interaction and singleness of purpose. I'll provide feedback myself and help each of you give feedback to other team members. I'll also provide insights into the dynamics of teamwork. Each team member will receive pointers about how to start making immediate improvements.
"After the team-training workshop, you can start making immediate improvements."
on +31 (0) 6 14 89 03 41
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"I've had the privilege of coaching various teams with Charles, as well as organizing numerous joint workshops for a wide range of organizations. Charles has unique qualities and methods that no other trainer I know possesses. He always seems to be able to probe just that little bit deeper. His exercises and games include simple, yet highly effective assignments, and although they involve a lot of physical activity, they're relaxed and pleasant to perform without the need for any excessive physical effort.
His feedback is invaluable! As well as feedback about their approach and communication, team members receive clear, personal pointers about their posture and the way they move. It's quite remarkable how the body never lies!
Using his own observations as an example, he helps people read these visual cues for themselves. What's great about the way Charles does this is that he adopts a razor-sharp and personal approach, yet remains highly respectful and humorous. He always allows teams to follow their own path towards a solution, so that they can immediately put what they've learned into practice. I'd recommend everyone to experience one of his team-building workshops at least once in his or her lifetime!"
Performance Consultancy
Charles Begheyn Coaching & Training
Neuhuyskade 9
2596 XJ Den Haag
KVK nr. 000016154452