Being a CEO or senior manager, or running your own business, can be an enormous responsibility to bear.
You constantly face huge challenges. And to be in such a position probably means you have a strong personality, unclouded vision and clearly defined goals. Ideally, you'd like to achieve these goals by being a great leader, by working in teams and by communicating effectively.
Sparring with a coach or an adviser can help you become the successful and respected leader you aspire to be.
A coach can act as an impartial sounding board and help you examine your foremost challenges more closely. You'll learn how to evaluate problems and challenges more critically and determine at which level they exist. For example, you'll be able to judge more effectively whether it is you who's actually the cause of a problem within the management team or at an organizational level.
I'll take a no-nonsense approach when identifying problems and challenges.
I'll appeal to your innate talents and challenge you to take responsibility for your negative traits. Together, we'll examine your energy balance, as well as the balance between your professional and private lives, and look for any adjustments that may be necessary.
In other words, I'll use an analytical, empathic, confrontational approach that in practice will help you strengthen your personal leadership skills.
An analytical, empathic and confrontational approach for immediate results.
on +31 (0) 6 14 89 03 41
or at
"Charles has been my coach for the past seven years. We meet regularly, but also
incidentally, whenever our paths cross. Sometimes up in the Swiss Alps for a two day sessio, sometimes in Asia for a number of three hour sessions, but in general two to three times a year.
Charles isn't an ordinary business coach. I prefer calling him a life coach with whom I feel comfortable enough to share virtually anything. We work on the business needs as a chief executive, but also on my development needs as a human being.
Sessions with Charles aren't always comfortable, especially when we'r exploring my
inner psyche, or identifying and addressing the underlying reasons for my concerns, fears, pain and resistance. Charles has a innate ability to guide me in a strong and persistent, yet warm and understanding way. I believe that I've significantly changed as a person but also as a professional. I have got to know myself more deeply, and
benefitted a lot from this process.
In the past three years, many of my colleagues in Asia and Switzerland have also chosen to work with Charles, all receiving excellent feedback and achieving great results. Coaching with Charles has now become an integral part of career development for all senior staff members. I'd wholeheartedly recommend Charles to any organization that is serious about investing in its senior management's personal and professional development.
I am already looking forward to our next session."
CEO, BSI Asia, Singapore
Charles Begheyn Coaching & Training
Neuhuyskade 9
2596 XJ Den Haag
KVK nr. 000016154452